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Buffalo Wallow Rabbitry & Fiber Arts

Welcome to Buffalo Wallow Rabbitry.  We are pleased to be involved with raising two very different breeds of rabbit. 

We are starting our breeding program for Satin Angoras, a fiber producing rabbit that sheds its shiny, luxurious fur every few months.  We take advantage of this natural process and spin that shedding fur into usable yarn.

We are also raising Velveteen Lops - an unrecognized breed that has a current Certificate of Development with the American Rabbit Breeders' Association.

While we are striving to produce show quality rabbits that meet the current Standard of Perfection, there are also pet quality bunnies born that deserve just as much to have loving homes.  We want each rabbit we produce to have the best chance for a healthy, happy life. 

Keep reading to learn more, and reach out with questions on what we have to offer.

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About Us

Our Rabbits and Fiber

We have a small rabbitry in the Great Plains of Oklahoma.  We keep our rabbitry small, so when we have more bunnies than space, we offer high quality rabbits since we can't keep them all.

Whether you are looking for a show quality rabbit for 4H, serious competition in the ARBA, a fiber producing animal to provide warm and beautiful yarn, or a loving pet, we consider all of these options equally.  We are here to help you get the best rabbit you can, with the best start in life.  We take great care in producing healthy rabbits, and we want you to be educated in your decision to take one of our bunnies into your home. 


If you are looking for wonderful fiber to create beautiful works of art and wearable clothing, we also provide fiber and handspun yarn, when available, from our Satin Angora rabbits, as well as fiber from a local alpaca farm.

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